The White Ribbon is the internationally-recognised symbol for ending men’s violence against women.

White Ribbon UK is the leading charity working to prevent men’s violence against women by bringing men and boys on board to change harmful cultures.

White Ribbon UK offers White Ribbon Accreditation; a nationally recognised workplace programme to provide organisations with a framework to achieve transformational change in their staff culture, systems and communities by:

  • Encouraging a positive, safe and visible change in culture both inside and outside of the organisation.
  • Having a positive impact on the health and safety, wellbeing, and productivity of employees.
  • Developing staff knowledge and skill to recognise and address all forms of violence against women and girls.
  • Raising awareness among staff, enabling them to become allies and positive changemakers who know where support and help is available to those who need it.
  • Improving the experience of customers, stakeholders and the wider community.

What do we mean by violence against women?

Violence against women means any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women.

UN Definition of Violence Against Women

What are the causes of violence against women and how do they manifest?

The root causes of violence against women and girls are harmful gender norms, stereotypes, inequality, societal attitudes, systems and behaviours around masculinity that diminish, objectify and disrespect women.

This manifests as at a ‘low level’ as so-called banter, encouraging harmful and restrictive gender norms and misogyny to ‘high level’ direct violence against women and girls physically and mentally – in public, at home, online and at work.

What is allyship, and what does it look like?

Allyship is the active support for the rights of a person from a minority or marginalised group without being a member of it.

Men can be allies to women by:

  • Listening to women’s lived experiences
  • Supporting and making space for women so their voices are heard.
  • Reflecting on your own attitudes and behaviours.
  • Calling out sexism and harassment when you see it, if it is safe to do so.
  • Having conversations with male co-workers or friends about allyship and encouraging them to reflect on their own value systems and attitudes.

White Ribbon Ambassadors and Champions

White Ribbon Ambassadors and Champions are individuals who want to do more to raise awareness and affect change to end about men’s violence against women. They actively make a difference in their communities and organisations by engaging others in important conversations about this issue and its root cause: harmful masculine gender norms.

We ask Ambassadors and Champions to:

  • Learn about what violence against women and girls, its root causes and the effects it has on gender equality.
  • Wear a White Ribbon.
  • Raise awareness among friends and colleagues and within their communities.
  • Know how to signpost people towards help.
  • Get involved with White Ribbon Day on 25th November.

Additionally for Ambassadors, who are typically men and individuals who don’t experience gender-based violence, we ask them:

  • To actively reflect on their own behaviours, beliefs and actions. Allyship is a journey.
  • To look to positively influence other men and boys and encourage allyship. Create spaces to talk about the unhealthy expectations about what it means to “be a man.”
  • Challenge and call out harmful behaviours, where safe to do so.

Should you want to be involved in the White Ribbon campaign or for further information about White Ribbon please go to Any organisation can get involved and apply for their own accreditation.

For more details on how to apply to become an Ambassador or a Champion please visit the links below:

Should you have any questions about the White Ribbon campaign in Torbay please contact Jason Preece, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Coordinator at Torbay Council.