The DIVAS – Making services more inclusive

Published: 05 May 2023

Working with partners across the South West Peninsula to extend support and improve access and inclusivity for people with learning disabilities affected by domestic abuse and/or sexual abuse/violence (DASV).

16 Days of Action 2021

Published: 25 November 2021

25 November marks the start of the annual international 16 Days of Action campaign, raising awareness of domestic abuse and sexual violence.  Once again this year Torbay is supporting the campaign and has events and activities taking place throughout the next 16 days.  Read the full article where you can find the schedule of events.  

Does our draft Safe Accommodation Strategy meet the needs of victims of domestic abuse and their children?

Published: 26 October 2021

Under new duties placed on Local Authorities as part of the DA Act Torbay Council must prepare and publish a local domestic abuse Safe Accommodation Strategy based on a robust needs assessment. The needs assessment, looking at what is available in Torbay, what is needed, and informed by the experiences of people who have used domestic abuse services in Torbay, was carried out during the summer of 2021. We would now like to invite you to comment on the draft Safe Accommodation Strategy. Open this article for a link to the consultation questions.

Get involved in shaping the response to Domestic Abuse in Torbay

Published: 11 June 2021

As a follow up to our recent survey about your experiences of living with and after domestic abuse we'd now like to invite you to get involved in helping to shape the response to domestic abuse in Torbay.   Throughout June and July we would like to interview people who have, or have not, accessed support in Torbay.  We'd like to hear from anyone who has experienced domestic abuse regardless of your gender, how you identify, your sexual orientation and whether or not you asked for help.    Read the full article to find out more along with the link to the application form.

Domestic Abuse Bill receives Royal Assent

Published: 10 May 2021

On 29 April 2021 the Domestic Abuse Bill received Royal Assent and the Domestic Abuse Act became law.  This new Act will provide increased protection to those who experience domestic abuse and will also strengthen measures to tackle those who cause harm.  

Printable version of our survey now available!

Published: 18 March 2021

If you know someone who doesn't have internet access, isn't good online or needs support to complete our survey, you can now print a copy to complete by hand and send to us by post by 16 April!  The survey does contain very personal and sensitive questions so please think about how this may affect you, and the person you may be helping to complete it before you start.  Download the survey and print it off

Can you spare 15 minutes to reply to our online survey?

Published: 26 February 2021

If you have ever experienced domestic abuse or sexual violence, we would like to ask for your help in completing a confidential online survey that will help us to understand what support looked like for you, where you asked for help and, in some cases, to understand what might have stopped you from asking for help. 

Keeping safe during Lockdown #3

Published: 05 January 2021

The Prime Minister announced a further period of lockdown across the Country on 4 January 2021.  During his speech he was very clear that anyone needing to leave their home to avoid harm as a result of domestic abuse could do so.  This was a very important message and one which we would reiterate. 

How aware of domestic abuse and sexual violence is your local radio station - Riviera FM?

Published: 25 November 2020

Whilst we haven’t been able to arrange any specific events this year to raise awareness of the issues of domestic abuse and sexual violence, we do want to remind everyone that if they need advice, help or support there are local and national services that continue to be available to provide that help. 

16 Days of Action 2020

Published: 24 November 2020

The 16 Days of Action campaign this year feels like it holds even more importance.  So many people have had to stay at home to shield, to self-isolate, haven’t been able to go to school, are on furlough, have lost their jobs or have been continuing to work from home in order to ‘stay safe and protect others’.  For many, home isn’t a safe place and they don’t feel protected. 

Standing Tall Partnership - new DA aware partnership in Torbay

Published: 20 October 2020

The Standing Tall Partnership is a small group of organisations and community groups who understand the impact that domestic abuse and sexual violence have on an individual and their family and who are working together to provide services to people in the Bay who have experienced them. 

Support if you have been the victim of rape, sexual violence or abuse

Published: 20 May 2020

Whilst some sexual offences are carried out by strangers, most incidents of rape, sexual violence or sexual abuse will be carried out by someone known to you.  This could be an acquaintance or, more likely, someone you know well.  No matter what the connection, there is no excuse for these actions and they are criminal acts.  Whether your experiences are current, recent or happened a long time ago, support continues to be available during the current COVID-19 restrictions and an agreement has been reached between the police and the Crown Prosecution Service that you won't get into trouble if it happened because current restrictions were breached. 

Time to look after your emotional health and wellbeing?

Published: 07 May 2020

If nothing else, the last few weeks have put many of us in a position where we have too much time to think, too much time to worry and too much time to start feeling anxious or overwhelmed.  Local services are very aware of the pressures people may be under and are available to listen and offer support. 

The world needs more apps...

Published: 05 May 2020

There will nearly always be an app for this and an app for that. We generally take them for granted but there may be some that are more useful than others, especially during lockdown.  

Additional support during the current Coronavirus crisis

Published: 03 April 2020

If you live with domestic abuse or sexual violence, the additional pressures being imposed by the Government to stay at home and stay safe may not feel very safe at all.  However, support is still available to you and some services have been able to extend their hours or provide alternative means of contact. 

Are you anxious about self-isolating because of COVID-19?

Published: 19 March 2020

Is the thought of having to spend more time at home because of COVID-19 causing you anxiety?  This could be for any number of reasons.  One might be because spending longer periods of time together can often create extra tension in families, but even more so when you are living with domestic abuse at home.  Another reason might simply be that you have more time to sit and think about things that have happened to you, whenever they might have happened.  In spite of the current situation, there are resources that you can continue to access online and by telephone for support and advice.

16 Days of Action

Published: 20 November 2019

Starting on 25 November, we are supporting the international campaign known as 16 Days of Action.  16 Days of Action Against Domestic Violence stems from the original movement, 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence which has been campaigning since 1991.  

Single parent's stress relief package

Published: 11 October 2019

The Devon Clinic is delighted to announce that they have been awarded funding to continue their 'single parent's stress relief' package.  

Cracking day with Play Torbay!

Published: 29 August 2019

How do you get children and young people to lie on wet grass?  Apparently by telling them they will have their photo taken by a police drone! 

Victoria joins fight to tackle abuse

Published: 18 July 2019

On 26 June we arranged a networking event for DASV professionals where information was shared on some of the services available locally.  Victoria Harle, from Wollens solicitors, spoke at the event and covered some of the civil injunctions that can be used to help protect victims.  

The voices of boys and men

Published: 02 July 2019

SafeLives, a UK wide charity dedicated to ending domestic abuse, has launched a survey to gather the voices of boys and men on the subject of abuse and relationships. 

Government review of digital sexual offences

Published: 28 June 2019

On 26 June 2019 the Ministry of Justice announced that laws around the taking, making and sharing of non-consensual intimate images are to be reviewed under plans to ensure protections keep pace with emerging technology. 

Government consultation - have your say!

Published: 12 June 2019

This Government consultation seeks your views on proposals for a new approach to accommodation based support services in England and closes on 2nd August 2019.  

‘Ask for Angela’ campaign

Published: 14 December 2018

Torquay’s Best Bar None group, in partnership with Safer Communities Torbay, is helping to protect any person who may feel frightened during a date or by their partner whilst out in several of its harbour-side licensed premises, by launching a new scheme called ‘Ask for Angela’ .

Online consultation opportunity: Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence in Torbay

Published: 29 August 2018

AVA, a national violence against women and girls charity, have been commissioned by Torbay Council to conduct a project on domestic abuse and sexual violence in the local area, with the aim of identifying local need and strengthening responses.

Torbay Council awarded White Ribbon accreditation

Published: 14 August 2018

In July 2018 Torbay Council was awarded accreditation by the White Ribbon Campaign to become part of the national campaign which aims to end male violence towards women and girls.

Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy

Published: 12 February 2018

The Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy for Torbay has been published for consultation.  Have your say on it.

PCC consultation on new SARC contracts

Published: 03 July 2017

Do you want to have a say on improving care for victims and survivors of sexual assault in the South West?  

The Police and Crime Commissioners, the Police service and NHS England are currently seeking views from a range of people and organisations to help inform the new SARC service. They have already talked extensively to users of these services and have further workshops and discussions planned. Service user representatives will be part of the group of people making the final decision about who provides SARCs in the future. Read the article to find out more and how you can get involved.

Challenge Rape Campaign - FAQs

Published: 14 November 2016

In November 2016 we launched a campaign called Challenge Rape, the main aims of which are to reinforce the message that there is absolutely no excuse for rape or sexual assault and that a victim is never to blame.

This article explores some of the questions that may be asked around the campaign and the rationale behind it.

Challenge Rape - Message from Cllr Parrott

Published: 12 November 2016

Cllr Julien Parrott, Executive Lead for Adults and Children, explains the importance of the ‘Are You OK’ Challenge Rape campaign and the messages it conveys.

Devon Rape Crisis & Sexual Abuse Services opens office in Torbay

Published: 11 August 2015

Torbay welcomes a new service from Devon Rape Crisis & Sexual Abuse Services to support women over 18 and young women and men aged 13-18 who have experienced childhood sexual abuse, rape or sexual assault. 

Boys to men

Published: 17 November 2014

The majority of victims of domestic abuse are women, which is why some services are just for female victims. But victim statistics are not a popularity competition. 

Let’s talk about sex

Published: 06 November 2014

Sex must always be about consent and choice. Every single time.  If you can’t make a choice freely, if you are physically restrained, if you haven’t or can’t agree to a sexual activity by choice, whether you’re in a relationship or not, this is sexual violence and it’s a crime.

Relationship ups and downs, or something else?

Published: 03 November 2014

Most relationships have ups and downs whether that’s within our families or our other intimate relationships. There is though, a real difference between ups and downs in a healthy relationship and abuse.

Little sponges

Published: 01 November 2014

It’s a parent’s job to keep their children safe. To protect them from danger. But what happens if that danger is in their home? What if a person who is supposed to love and care for them, is instead someone to be feared? What could that do to a child?