Our mind is a very important part of our body and there is nothing wrong with talking about how we feel, especially if we feel unhappy or upset. Just like we’d go to a dentist with a toothache, it’s important to know what to do if we need some help with the health of our mind.

Domestic abuse and sexual violence can leave people with long lasting mental and physical scars. People living with abuse can suffer from depression, anxiety and very low self-esteem.

Mental health conditions are common among the general population and affect many people but, left untreated, can also lead to physical health issues.

Any change in your mental health is not a failing and is nothing to be ashamed of. There are organisations that can help.

There are local services that you can access via your GP, or direct, such as Talkworks.  Talkworks have trained IDVAs (Independent Domestic Violence Advisors) who will understand the impact that domestic abuse or sexual violence can have on your mental health.   The Healthy Lifestyles Team may also be able to help you deal with issues relating to your mental health or help you access other support where necessary.  Qwell is a free and anonymous online mental health and wellbeing service for all adults aged 18+. There are no waiting lists and you can sign up yourself.    The Counselling Directory lists counsellors and psychotherapists who may be able to help (fees will be payable). 

If you are feeling particularly low, are having suicidal thoughts or just want to talk to someone about how you are feeling, the Samaritans provide a network of non-judgemental trained volunteers who are there to listen to anyone who needs to talk. Their telephone lines are manned 24/7 and you can contact them by phone, online chat or text.