Domestic Abuse or Sexual Violence that has happened in your past may have left emotional scars which although aren’t always at the forefront of your mind, may force their way into your thoughts when you’re least expecting it. This can happen regularly or only sometimes, but whenever it does it can be very painful.

It’s never too late to report what has happened to you and it’s never too late to seek support for yourself or your family.

If you would like to make a report contact the police on telephone 101.

Devon Rape Crisis & Sexual Abuse Services can provide support for historic sexual abuse.

Torbay Domestic Abuse Service (TDAS) provides programmes for survivors of domestic abuse and their children. They also run survivors’ groups. 'Survivors' is the term given to victims of abuse who have escaped, survived and are re-building their lives.

Intercom Trust provide specialist support for anyone who may have suffered domestic abuse within a Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual or Transgender (LGBT+) relationship through their Safer Rainbow service.

Operation Emotion is a support service for adult men who have experienced sexual abuse.