Are you ready for a recovery programme?

To help you make sense of the effects of experiencing domestic abuse or sexual violence, and to help you deal with it all, there are various programmes and courses that you could enrol onto.  Ask your support worker about these or contact the provider running the course direct.

Confidence First

Confidence First is a six-week course to help rebuild your confidence and self esteem after experiencing domestic abuse.

The two-hour sessions will help you to recognise your rights and empower you to set boundaries that can help you in all areas of your life.


CRUSH is all about helping young people make safe healthy relationships. It's a structured group programme of support and empowerment for young people in the age range of 14-16yrs who have witnessed, experienced or are at risk of domestic abuse. CRUSH aims to help young people gain the skills, knowledge and tools to be able to:

  • Avoid abusive relationships
  • Exit an abusive relationship safely

The CRUSH Programme is suitable for young people of both sexes and can be helpful to those who are vulnerable to domestic abuse and also for those who are beginning to show signs of controlling behaviour.

If you would like to join the programme please complete the CRUSH form. Please be aware that this does not guarantee a place on the programme as we need to assess risk and vulnerability to ensure suitability and safety for all group members.

If you would like to discuss the programme, please contact Donna-Mae Kearns or James Kendall on 01803 208400.


Freedom is a 10-week course designed to educate and empower anyone experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, domestic abuse.

The weekly sessions will empower you to recognise what domestic abuse is and will:

  • Be held in a safe environment
  • Support you to recognise an abusive relationship
  • Look at the tactics and personality of the dominating individual
  • Explore the impact of abuse
  • Recognise the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships
  • TDAS Freedom - A leaflet about the Freedom course available from TDAS.
  • Apply for the Freedom Course

Helping Hands

The Helping Hands programme provides support and guidance for children aged 7 to 11, to help them deal with their emotions and stay safe.

Workshops take place in a safe and friendly environment and are led by specially trained staff.

The programme aims to:

  • Develop self-esteem and confidence
  • Explore and express feelings
  • Promote safety messages
  • Identify personal support networks
  • Explore how different behaviour can affect other people’s feelings
  • Identify how to manage conflict

If you would like to join the programme please complete the form.

Make Amends

Make Amends is a service that delivers a choice of restorative opportunities that seek to heal the harm caused by crime, conflict, anti-social behaviour and the harmful actions of others across Devon and Cornwall.


RESPECT is a programme for young people aged 14 to 17 years old who have perpetrated, witnessed and/or experienced domestic abuse.

Programme sessions include:

  1. Meet and explain. Let the individual know about the importance of confidentiality and assess any risk issues with attendance, contact or course materials.
  2. What is DA? Watch video and discuss.
    • What is Jake doing?
    • Why does Ellie respond the way she does? 
    • What do you notice about Ellie’s friends?
    • Who can be a victim of DA?
    • Who can be a perpetrator?
  3. DA the impact on children. What is the picture in the UK?
  4. How to build good relationships
    • respect, sharing, trust - what do they mean?
    • listening and managing disagreement - improving skills.
    • Coping with jealousy - normal/abnormal emotions.
  5. What support is out there? The Police Response. The Court response (including stalking, harassment, revenge porn and sexual exploitation.)
  6. Re-cap and lessons we have learnt. Share thoughts about DA. Signposting for support, treatment and recovery.

If you would like to join the programme please complete the form.

Torbay LIGHT

Torbay LIGHT group aims to help people move forward in life after experiencing domestic abuse. It is a friendly group, providing social opportunities for people who are no longer in abusive relationships.